Your life has been tugging at your heart

I help you feel safe, confident and prepared to change things for good!

Make Your Life Easier and

More Advantageous!


Understand your life. Your emotions are trying to tell you something. Address your confusion, anxiety and disconnection. Tackle your nagging situations. Learn what's next for you and how to
get on your new path.


Feel at home within yourself. The deeper you go, the further you get. Be excited about life. Make your best decisions and choices that benefit you and your conditions.
Feel safe moving forward.


Have clarity, courage and confidence to change your personal life situations. Receive specific steps, guidance and direction. Gain the faith and trust in the process to assist you. Achieve Your Results!

Difficulties? All You Need is Clarity

Don't be confused One.Minute.Longer

Get the solutions that have eluded you - until now!

Have a question or have an inquiry?

Break Your Hindering problems & Patterns



Take Guess Work out of Your Situation



… is THE best way to know anything and everything about yourself.

Find out exactly: 

  • what it going on in your life, 
  • things that are hindering you (known/unknown) and 
  • get them out of your way.

Or – perhaps you are doing great, but, ready for better:

  • Conquer your mountains
  • Upgrade your life
  • Ascend to your destined peak
  • Transform your life in ways you could ever imagine.

Typical outcomes are:

sustainable positive changes and leaps in upgrading your life 100%

Our Small Group Travel is Perfect for: 

Single and Solo Travelers who enjoy unique adventures.  

  • Feeling an antsy itch?  
  • Need a change, but not sure how or what?  
  • Are you craving freedom?  
  • Find YOUR Soul Adventure on roads less traveled!  
  • Explore new places with easy going and fun people.  
  • Perfect time for your next level shift!  

Gain Connection with Yourself, Your Soul, Your Life!

Life has ups and downs and even those crazy curve balls!

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what in the world is going on energetically and spiritually (unseen) that is affecting you emotionally, mentally and physically?

You don’t have to figure things out or maneuver it by yourself:

  • Ditch the lonesome challenges.  
  • Get clarity and answers on an on-going basis
  • Experience personal and spiritual growth with fun, caring and supportive, high vibrational friends.  
  • Learn advanced spiritual teachings.  
  • Understand Your Human Life and Your Soul Path.

Participate in Your Soul Evolution now and into the future.

                        Transform Your Life and 

                       Transcend Your Existence!


Join us for Life-changing Online Mentoring Experiences!

                      (we meet 2 times monthly)

Feel better much more consistently in your daily life.

What do you want more of? 

  • loving relationships, 
  • supportive friendships and/or 
  • health and well-being, 
  • career advancement and success, 
  • money, wealth and healthy finances 
  • or any other material need…

                   Experience sustaining happiness, 

                          clarity and positive confidence

         Feel safe, clear-minded, motivated and inspired

  • Learn how to create and sustain healthy mindsets
  • Understand how you think dictates the health of your body, emotions and probably outcomes 
  • Gain tools for mental freedom
  • Make miracles a regular occurrence 
  • Accelerate your manifesting progress and success

                Land your dreams into your REALity  

                              – because you can!

Manifest with way more… 

                   Alignment, Power, Exhilaration and 

                        Acceleration than ever before 


Advanced teachings based on the psychology of energy:

  • train and cultivate your energy to experience higher levels of manifestation and 
  • energetically engage with the law of attraction for faster outcomes.  

                                Everything is energy 

       ~ You’ll be fascinated by your upgraded knowledge

Master understanding energy, dimensions & vibrations.

Identify your -unknown- blocks!

Clear, shift and align you energy for your desired results. 

Current News &

Important Topics

From our blog

Travel to Ancient Egypt

Experience Egypt with the connection of the indigenous people of the Ancient lands and culture. Cindy guides and assists you in establish your own soul connection and draw to Ancient Egypt. This is the root of the journey that we will expand and open you to so many new personal insights and incredibly life enhancing.…

Fall Deeply In Love

I want you to see it through my eyes right now. You’ve probably seen it a hundred times in a hundred different ways. But you’ve never seen it this way… and who knew you’d capture it through the same exact lenses I did this day -today. In her glory meant to be expressed as the…

Soul Contracts

Soul Contracts: How to Re-Negotiate, Resolve, Break Video. I discuss Soul Contracts and how to work with them. I also recommend my other videos on Soul Contracts: Soul Contracts: What You Need to Know Breaking Soul Contracts + Akashic Records + Ascension Shift Here is the written version of Soul Contracts: How to Re-Negotiate, Resolve, Break…

Advanced Healing Course

Client Testimonials

Thank you, Cindy! I appreciate you very much. The energy, time, commitment, enthusiasm, and especially the love you pour into your work... it is amazing... You are amazing... and then you give even more! You deserve greatness for your soul-touching, deep work. Thank you again for your love, wisdom and kindness. I wanted to let you know how appreciated you really are.
Cindy Eyler Testimonial
Alma Young
Soul Angel Artist, California
Cindy is one of the most practical spiritual teachers I’ve ever met!  She lives in the real world, and this is extremely important for those of us who want to apply our own intuitive skills in a useful way. She has an extensive knowledge base in metaphysical teachings, and also knows how to help us apply this wisdom in our personal lives as well as in our businesses.  She practices what she preaches, and saves us significant time because she’s already been-there-done-that by making a successful business out of her own passion and abundant skills. Through classes and one-on-one sessions over the years, Cindy has had a profound impact on my spiritual growth and confidence in growing and thriving in my business and life.
Kristin R.
Consultant, Bay Area California
I have to tell you that after all the processes and in-depth sessions we did together, things have improved exponentially in my life. In many ways doors have opened and opportunities have shown up that I have taken full advantage of. I feel that many of the blocks that I had felt in my life, have left giving me these new opportunities. I am sure that you have had a lot to do with it. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. Your work is so life-changing and valuable. Thank you for sharing your incredible gifts.
J. Marks
Entrepreneur & Entertainer


For Personal or Media Inquiries